2.3建构主义理论 3任务型教学的实践 Wills(1996)在她的专著A?Framework?for?Task-based?Learning中提出了任务型课堂教学的三个步骤:前任务(pre-task)、任务环(task-cycle)和语言聚焦(languagefocus)。如图所示: 根据Wills提出的任务型课堂教学的三个步骤,作者在课堂教学中进行了实践:现以《21世纪大学实用英语综合英语》第1册Unit 6 Track-ing Down My Dream追逐我的梦想一课为例:(1)前任务第一步:利用多媒体给学生看本班学生在校运会中的照片。激发学生的阅读兴趣;引出话题--—“梦想”。讨论:What is your dream?Howcan you come true your dream?(2)任务环第一步:听录音,快速阅读,给课文分段;第二步:每4人分成一组,找出每部分的关键词,填写下面表格: 第三步:细节阅读(按课文所分部分,分别完成任务);第I部分:由各组代表按自己组所找的关键词,复述课文第一部分;第II-III部分:回答问题、判断对错;A.What did the writer and the girl talk about?B.What decision did the writer make after the conversation with thegirl?A.When the writer finished,She heard a cheer.()B.She thought they were cheering for herself.()第IV部分:填空;That day I learned two things:First,a little in people can them.And,second,aren’t always measured in medals and victories.Theyare measured in the struggles we.The strongest people are not always thepeople who win,but the people who don’t give up when they lose.I dream only that someday—perhaps as a I will be able to win arace with a cheer the one I got when I lost that race as a freshman.(3)后期任务分组讨论: A.What have you learned from the passage?B.Whatever we do,among other things,we need courage of ,英语毕业论文 |