
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

论语义翻译和交际翻译 About Linguistic Meaning Translation and Communicative Meaning Translation 翻译策略二分法透视 Investigation on the Dichotomy of Translation Strategies 电影片名翻译的交际翻译特性和翻译措施--从纽马克的交际翻译理论谈起 Characters of Communicative Translation and Translation Methods of Movie Title Translation--From the Perspective of Newmark's "communicative translation" 试论翻译的艺术性 On the Theory of Art of Translation 商务英语翻译准则研讨 The Discussion of Business English Translating Principles 从目的论的角度看商标翻译 从教学视角看翻译理论与实践的联系 On the Relationship between Translation Theory and Practice from a Teaching Perspective 翻译中科学性与艺术性的统一--从文学翻译和科技翻译的特点看翻译的性质 The Unity of Scientific Nature and Artistic Nature in Translation 论翻译的文化转向对翻译本体论的消解 Decomposition of Translation Ontology by Cultural Turn 论翻译变形 Advantages and Disadvantages of Translation Transfigurations 目的论在法律著述翻译中的应用 浅谈诗歌英汉互译实践与翻译理论的联系 因特网对汉英翻译实践的作用 The Impact of Internet - Assisted Practice on C/E Translation 浅析语义翻译与交际翻译 Analysis on Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation 以《论语》两英译本为例比较略论语义翻译与交际翻译理论 An Analysis of the Theories of Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation by Comparing the Two English Versions of the Analects of Confucius 翻译促进文化与文化制约翻译--论文化与翻译的联系 On Promoting and Constraining Relations Between Translation and Culture 翻译文化的建构与特点 On Translation Culture "机器翻译"还是"机器辅助翻译"--对"机器翻译"之管见 Machine translation or machine-aided translation? -Our view on "machine translation" 从创作及翻译著作对比看苏曼殊翻译思想 Study of Su Manshu's Translation Thought 翻译教学中存在的问题及其对策 Problems Existed in Translation Teaching and Countermeasures ,英语论文网站英语论文
