Research on a Teaching Model of Improving Chinese EFL Learners’Comprehensive[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract: The paper intends to carry on a research on a teaching model of improving Chinese students’ comprehensive communicative competence. This research is based on reading course combined with the writer’s teaching experiences of many years. It puts forward a multilayered model of teaching reading which can develop both reading proficiency and linguistic competence. 1. Introduction Comprehensive communicative competence is becoming more and more important for Chinese students. In classes, teachers should not only teach students the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, but also provide them the appropriate cultural context to use them. So how to improve students’ comprehensive communicative competence in class is the main task for English teachers in China. At present, some problems still exist in college English teaching in China. Traditional teaching models always attach much attention to students’ English grammar and ignore their practical communicative competence. This thesis will expound a multilayered model of teaching reading which can be used to foster this competence, for the teaching of reading in EFL class in China is by far the most important course for English learners in colleges and universities. 2. Culture-oriented Sense of Reading Process The goal of English teaching is to train and develop students’ competence in intercultural communication. Intercultural communication is, of course, a two-sided experience, and the success or failure of cultural communication depends on how much awareness and sensitivity each side has of the other side’s culture. 1.1 Arousing students’ intercultural communicative awareness Because of different cultural background, life experience, profession, sex, Education, even age, character, people may have different modes of interaction. People learn to think, feel, behave and strive for what their culture considers proper. So the teaching of English reading should set an example to show that there are a number of different cultural outlooks and perspectives. Students should be provided with tools to analyze fundamental cultural aspects so that this cultural awareness will eventually lead to tolerance and mutual respect. Learners will be able to recognize misunderstanding and to find ways to overcome them. They will be able to appreciate cultural diversity without losing sight of their national identity or their cultural norms and values. 1.2 Introducing culture information in accordance with texts English texts include every type of writing, all kinds of subjects, such as politics, economy, history, religion, customs, social sciences and the arts, which are different from Chinese ones and tend to form a block in the student’s understanding of the texts. So cultural explanations wherever are necessary will help students understand the target culture, master the language and arouse their interest of English study. To integrate culture teaching into language teaching, textbooks should be made full use of, which can inform students of some culture facts or draw their attention to culture comparisons in interesting and readily accessible ways. Before reading, some cultural background knowledge or culture information relevant to the text not only enables students to absorb the text well by reducing cultural interference but also help them understand better the culture of English-speaking countries so that they are able to communicate successfully. Whe,英语毕业论文英语毕业论文
