F. Scott. Fitzgerald, as the spokesman of the Jazz Age, is a famous American novelists from the 1920s to 1930s.His novel, The Great Gatsby has aroused great interest of study both at home and abroad. We can find various Bible archetype if we read the novel seriously. Fitzgerald used archetype of people and plot in Bible to create characters and plot in the novel, such as Adam, Eve, Jesus, Satan, Lost Paradise, conflict between good vs. evil, etc. This strengthens the novel’s effectiveness in expressing its theme. By analyzing the archetype borrowed from the Bible in the novel, this paper attempts to expose the disillusionment of American dream by criticizing deterioration of morality in Jazz Age.
The first chapter briefly introduces Fitzgerald and the main content of the novel, writing background and the present research status. The second chapter will briefly introduce Frye’s theory on archetypal criticism, analyzing the origin and development of prototype theory. The third chapter is the main part of the paper, which aims to explore the works’ association with the bible culture by analyzing the application of Bible archetype from two aspects—character prototype and plot prototype. Finally, the paper will end with a conclusion.
Keywords: Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby Bible archetype
弗朗西斯•司各特•菲茨杰拉德是二十世纪二、三十年代美国文坛的著名作家, 是“爵士时代”的代言人,其小说《了不起的盖茨比》自出版以来一直备受到国内外文学批评界的关注。仔细研读这部小说,我们便可发现小说中潜藏着丰富的圣经原型代码。菲茨杰拉德在这部小说中应用了圣经人物形象和情节为原型塑造小说的主人公和故事情节,如亚当、夏娃、耶稣、撒旦、替罪羊、失乐园、善恶冲突等原型,使读者在深入了解人物性格的同时也增强了小说主题思想的表现力。本文将通过略论小说中对圣经原型的应用,探究小说的主题,指出美国梦的虚幻,英语毕业论文,英语论文题目,以及对美国爵士时代的理想荒芜和道德堕落的批判和谴责。