
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


    本文从诗人在诗歌创作中的观物方式和所处境界、主题思想和表达方式以及对自然和人与自然联系的哲学思考三个方面出发, 探究二者在诗歌的迥异之处。探讨结果如下:就两位诗人在其诗歌中的观物方式和所处境界来看,陶渊明倾向于“以物观物”的观察方式,进而使自己进入一种“无我之境”,英语论文题目,而华兹华斯更多采用“以我观物”的观察方式,因而处于“有我之境”;就二者诗歌所表达的思想感情和表达方式来看,陶渊明更偏重用含蓄委婉的方式表达关于自然质性淳朴的热爱和醉心田园的悠闲释然,而华兹华斯则是直抒胸臆,在诗中一方面体现自己的孤独之感,另一方面又凸显自然可治愈其心灵创伤;就二者关于自然的思考来看,陶渊明认为自然是“质性自然”,而华兹华斯认为自然是“神性自然”;而在人与自然联系的问题上,陶渊明秉承了中国自古以来“天人合一”的理念,而华兹华斯受到泛神论和西方理性主义的作用,认为“天人分离”。


Tao Yuanming and William Wordsworth are leaders of Chinese and Western pastoral poems respectively. Although they lived in different ages and cultural backgrounds, both being the singers the nature, the two great poets are fond of detailing the beauty of nature with their natural and unadorned languages in their nature poems. What the two poets have in common is not only their simple literary style, but also their echo in the passionate love for nature. However, if we set aside the seemingly similar simple language in their poems and love for nature, there are many differences in their pastoral poems as the ages they lived, cultural backgrounds they came from and the life experiences they had are quite distinct from each other. Since many scholars of home or abroad have concentrated their study on the similar aspects of the two poets’ pastoral poems, this thesis focuses on the differences of their pastoral poems to avoid repetition and to study their poems in a creative way. The aims of this paper, through the comparative analysis of their pastoral poems, lie in getting a more profound appreciation and comprehension of their poems and deepening the understanding of the pastoral poems in China and the West, thus making a contribution to the cultural communication between China and the West.
This thesis studies the differences of the pastoral poems of Tao Yuanming and William Wordsworth from three aspects, that is, perspectives and states in viewing the objects, emotions (themes) and ways of expression and the philosophical opinion about nature and relation between nature and human beings. In terms of the perspectives and states the poets are in when they are observing objects, Tao prefers “from-object” which renders the “impersonal state” to him, while Wordsworth, “from-me” perspective that remains him in the “personal state”. For the emotions they expresses and the ways they use to express, Tao is prone to implicitly showing his pure and innate love for nature and his idleness and relief when he is in nature; Wordsworth, by contrast, explicitly shows his isolation and loneliness, and the consultation he gets from nature. when it comes to their philosophical thought of nature, Tao considers nature to be “natural nature” while Wordsworth, “Divine nature”; and in terms of the relations between man and nature, Tao inherited the traditional concept that “man is an integral part of nature” while Wordsworth considers that man is not an integral part of nature.

Key words:pastoral poems, differences, perspectives of observing objects, expression of emotions, views on nature
