著名的爱尔兰作家乔伊斯的短篇小说集《都柏林人》在西方文学史上享有良好的声誉,这本小说集总共包括15篇小说, 从多个层面生动的呈现出了二十世纪初期都柏林中下层市民的社会生活,深刻地揭示了当时在大英帝国的殖民统治下和天主教的压迫下,爱尔兰人所表现出来的麻木不仁和精神瘫痪的状态。
James Joyce is one of the most influential Irish writers of the 20th century. Dubliners is one of his famous works, including fifteen short stories. It describes the social lives of the middle and lower classes in Dublin in the early 20th century and it reflects the apathetic and paralyzed social life of Dubliners under the double oppressions from the British Empire and the Catholic Church.
This paper will discuss the role of symbolism plays in the three stories in Dubliners. It demonstrates that the theme of paralysis of Dubliners is presented by the use of symbolism. The paper combines the symbolism and the theme of paralysis, which is a supplement to the study of Dubliners. What’s more it will lay a foundation for the appreciation of symbolism in English literature.
The paper firstly explains the theme of paralysis and gives a brief introduction of symbolism. Following them, it analyzes the role of symbolism in Dubliners and cites three short stories, “Araby”, “Eveline” and “A Little Cloud” as a typical case to demonstrate a successful use of symbolism in presenting the theme of paralysis. Finally, it makes a summary of my discussion and reaches the conclusion that the theme of paralysis in Dubliners is artistically expressed by way of symbolism.
Key words: Dubliners, symbolism, theme of paralysis |