
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


American Dream is a cultural phenomenon as well as the dominant melody in American literature. And Sister Carrie by Dreiser is the typical representative of American literature influenced by the American Dream. In the novel Sister Carrie, Dreiser describes Carrie’s pursuit and disillusionment of her American Dream. He criticizes that the American Dream is an empty talk without any practices, and that it encourages people’s degeneration of soul.  The main pursuit of the American Dream is material pleasure, which cannot bring people anything. Everybody in Carrie’s time has his own dream, but they all follow Carrie’s way, owning a dream, then pursuing it, and finally losing it.
This thesis deals with the American Dream reflected in Sister Carrie from three aspects: in the first chapter, the thesis introduces the early American Dream, and its origin and its influences on American literature, from American history and American development along the history; in the second chapter, it describes Carrie’s pursuit and disillusionment of her dream respectively in details; and in the third chapter, it analyzes the causes of this tragedy to reveal the deepest root of social development and people’s unpleasant life under the influence of American Dream, not only the external but the internal reasons. Finally, the thesis comes to the conclusion that it is impossible for common people to own happiness in a society of monopolistic capitalism.

Key words: American dream; tragedy; causes; disillusionment

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