
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Lolita was a novel written in English by Vladimir Nabokov and it was published in Paris in 1955 and in New York in 1958. This novel was one of the best-known and most controversial books of the twentieth century. It is about Humbert Humbert, a widower, who had long-time obsession with nymphets. In New England, he rented a room in the house of Charlotte Haze, and he met his beloved—Dolores, known as Lolita. While Dolores was away at summer camp, Humbert married Charlotte in order to continue staying near Lolita. Soon Charlotte died in a car accident, so Humbert picked Lolita up from camp and started their trip. One morning, Lolita had sex with Humbert. Later, Humbert revealed to Lolita that Charlotte was dead, giving her no choice but to accept her stepfather or face foster faces. Finally, Lolita escaped from Humbert. Three years later, she wrote a letter to Humbert and told him she was married and pregnant and in desperate need of money. Humbert gave her a sum of money and left. He found Quilty, a guy who had abducted Lolita from him, and killed him.
The paper consists of three chapters. The first chapter gives a brief introduction to Nabokov and his views on the morality of Lolita. And the second part analyzes the narrator Humbert Humbert’s morality from three aspects. They are his moral values, his suffering of social morals and his violation of social morality. The third part focuses on Humbert’s morality in other people’s eyes. Humbert’s morality is a classic model, which reflects some realistic sides of human beings’ nature. This book presents a picture of the eternality of love and beauty and the readers can feel the hero’s struggle and desperation.

Key words:Lolita; Humbert’s morality; suffering; violation.

摘  要

洛丽塔》是弗拉基米尔・纳博科夫的英文著作,于1955年在巴黎出版,1958年在纽约出版。它是二十世纪最有名也最有争议的小说之一。该小说讲述的是汉伯特•汉伯特,一个中年鳏夫,一直以来都对小女孩的迷恋。 他在新英格兰租了夏洛特•黑兹夫人的一个房间。在那他遇到了一生的挚爱—洛丽塔。当洛丽塔去参加夏令营时,他同夏洛特结了婚,因为这样可以更加靠近洛丽塔。很快夏洛特死于车祸,汉伯特从夏令营接到了洛丽塔,开始了他们的旅行。一天早上,他们发生了性联系。然后汉伯特告诉洛丽塔,英语论文,夏洛特死了,因此洛丽塔别无选择,要么继续跟着汉伯特生活,要么就得去面对寄宿家庭。后来,英语论文网站,洛丽塔逃离了汉伯特。三年后,洛丽塔写信给汉伯特,说自己现在已经结婚了,并且怀孕了,很需要钱。汉伯特给了她一大笔钱后离开了。他找到了奎尔蒂,那个从他身边拐走洛丽塔的人,然后杀了他。

