
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Oliver Twist is Dickens’s first important novel which reflects social problems. Although
Nancy is not a main character, she has an irreplaceable function in the development of the novel. She
struggles between goodness and evil and is the key character who leads a happy ending of Oliver
Twist. Nancy has rich and complicated inner world and dual characters as well. Because of her
contradictory characters, the image of Nancy is closer to life and worthy of our research. This paper
aims to investigate the dual characters of Nancy and explore her choice of destiny, through analysis on
her personality and the background of the British society.

Key words: Oliver Twist, Nancy, Choice of destiny



关键词:《雾都孤儿》, 南希,命运抉择

1. Introduction
Charles Dickens is one of the most influential novelists in the Victorian Age of Britain. His works enjoy unprecedented fame all the time, especially his novels and short stories. Dickens’s lifelong creative writings always keep pace with the age. He takes the realistic technique to reveal hypocrisy, greed and cruelty of upper class and the bourgeoisie. He shows great sympathy for miserable situation of the lower class, especially for children, women and the elderly. He describes the struggle of common people who are awakening with serious attitude. At the same time, he sings high praise of the   truth, the kindness and the beauty of humanity with pride of idealism and romanticism and looks forward to a more reasonable society and more good life. Oliver Twist is a typical representative of his works, which exposes the poor life of people living in the bottom of society and the darkness of capitalism.
