
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


A Speech is very important in western countries, especially in terms of political significance. In western countries, if one wishes to dominate in the political stage, he not only needs a dominant ability to lead a country, but also he should be eloquent in speech delivering. Thus, it is crucial for a politician to have an outstanding ability in composing speeches. However, there exists much difficulty in composing an excellent discourse.
   The present thesis, from the perspective of linguistics and based on a sample selected from Winston Churchill’s discourses---Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat, is intended to investigate the cohesion of speech discourse at lexical cohesion level and places emphasis on practical analysis rather than relevant theories. In despite of all the efforts in the present study, there is much room for further improvement in this field. It is only hoped that this study will, to some extent, assist the speech composers in writing a better speech, which is more persuasive and sufficient.

Keywords: Winston Churchill; speech discourse; lexical cohesion

摘  要:



1 Introduction
1.1 Background information
 A discourse is very important for those who intend to go into politic stage, especially in western countries, because their nations’ main stream decides those to persuade their citizens to believe they have the ability to let them live a good life through their discourses. And it not only can make one go into politic room, but it also can inspire people in difficult times by a successful discourse. Around 2080 B.C an old Pharoah deeply said to his successor who was also his son: “being an eloquent speaker, you would be a strong man...the tongue just like a sword...”. The present study aims at analyzing the famous political discourse by Winston Churchill, a great politician and speechmaker, with emphases on its cohesion to uncover its roles in political functions.
