
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Voldemort is a villain in Harry Potter series which were created by Joanna Catherine Rowling, a British woman writer. Many scholars at home and abroad studied Voldemort but most of them criticized the character from the negative perspective, which was not comprehensive enough. This thesis tries to study Voldemort’s character of cruelty, secrecy and craftiness and domination from an objective perspective and investigate the factors affecting his character. First the influence of Voldemort’s family background on his cruelty is analyzed. Then based on kidology, a research on the influence of his childhood and adolescent on his character is made. The thesis tries to make a reasonable explanation for the formation of Voldemort’s character and reminds the readers of paying attention to the internal and the external environments and the mental health in children’s growth to make them sane.

Key words: Voldermort; character; study

1. Introduction
Harry Potter series, written by British woman writer Joanne Kathleen Rowling, have achieved an astonishing commercial success and have been popular for more than 10 years. Now researches on it at home and aboard are mainly concentrated on Voldemort’s character. Many scholars study Voldemort to find out his cruel character and blame it on him. Few scholars give Voldemort praise. Foreign scholars mainly criticize his cruelty. Rowling described Voldemort as "the most evil wizard for hundreds and hundreds of years."  “Today, however, as we substitute for our abstract fear of Voldemort the very real fear we've felt in our own immolated cities, the new book resonates in ways that the old ones have not.” At home some scholars also criticize Voldemort but some agree with Voldemort. “From the beginning to the end, Voldemort develops a contradiction of character to the extreme; ultimately, his contradictious character has ruined him. Wang Xiaolan regarded Voldemort as the head of a cult. “Voldemort contemns the social values and ethics and claims that the law of the strongest is the philosophy of survival of society.”She pointed out that Voldemort organized a cult party and brought the terrorism to the Magical World. But Zhao Ming considers that Voldemort is a man with a strong will to power and a unique character. He agreed with Voldemort and regarded Voldemort as a “Nietzschen” superman. Scholars mainly study Voldemort from the negative perspective and seldom from the positive perspective. More studies about Voldemort from an objective perspective are still wanted.
