
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要:


关键词:简•奥斯丁;女性意识;局限性; 《爱玛》

British realist writer Jane Austen's works mainly feature the theme on marriage and life of English country women. This thesis firstly analyses and summarizes the feminist consciousness as reflected in the character Emma, including: Emma's feminist consciousness as the master of her family; Emma being confident and independent; Emma being self-exploring and challenging traditional property-marriage convention. Then it will research into the limitations of Jane Austen's feminist consciousness as reflected in Emma through four aspects: letting economic foundation decides social value, being restricted in the class status; being enslaved to the shadow of patriarchy and choosing marriage as the happy ending and decent way out.

Key words: Jane Austen; feminist consciousness; limitations; Emma

1. Introduction
British realist writer Jane Austen's works mainly feature the theme on marriage and life of English country women. As a great female writer that could not be ignored in feminist literature during Victorian Times, she is unique to her time. As a female writer, there is no exception that all the protagonists of her works are female and the contents are about love and marriage. Jane Austen features the roles with unique feminine angle and is good at psychological description as well as grasping the details. From her works, vivid feminist consciousness is embodied at that time.
Through the study of the literary works and analyse of literature reviews at home and abroad, we can see that many scholars do research in the female images created by Jane Austen. Emma is regarded as the most mature one among Jane Austen's six works. This imperfect image of Emma is so different from what Austen had created before. Under the prevailing stream of feudal forces and patriarchal culture of her time, she broke through the shackle of the old conventions of static woman image and shaped a dynamic character to the readers — Emma. Emma is smart and lively, enthusiastic and energetic, but also opinionated and self-righteous, she always exposes her shortcomings when treating people around her. This image of an imperfect female vividly shows Jane Austen's feminist consciousness. It attracts a large amount of readers and catches the eyeballs of the scholars to study the reflected feminist consciousness. 
