
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Aestheticism representative Oscar Wilde is one of the most talented writers who are well-known in the British literary arena. His famous comedy The Importance of Being Earnest describes upper classes of society's life during the Victoria era. In the play,the two leading characters have made profound impression on all readers,and become the key point to this play’s conflict . But in Wilde’s real life, he was also living in a kind of secret and dual life which cannot but cause readers to associate the two's inner link. What urged him to turn from a simple aestheticism initiator to a person who lived with double identity, and degenerated into the captive finally? What caused his desire to break through the self-fetter? With the aid of Freudian psychoanalysis, this article aims to disclose the profound psychological and the social root under the superficial dual lives

Key Words:Oscar Wilde; double identity;Feud; Culture Difference; psychoanalysis;


唯美主义的代表人物奥斯卡王尔德是英国文坛上闻名的才子,英语论文,他向来妙语连珠,英语论文网站,并且因“唯美主义”而闻名。其著名的喜剧《认真的重要性》描绘了英国维多利亚时期上层社会的生活。剧中两位主角双重人格和生活使人印象深刻并且因此成为此剧的关键冲突。而史实证明现实生活中的王尔德也过着一种隐秘的双重生活,这使人联想到王尔德的心理和其著作本身的内在关系。是什么促使了他从一位简单的唯美主义倡导者变成过着双重生活,并最终沦为阶下囚的呢? 又是什么使得他的欲望冲破自我的束缚?借助弗洛伊德对精神略论的一些理论,本文着力于从文化异同和心理学角度揭开《认真的重要性》中人物和王尔德的双重身份下所隐藏的心理学和社会学根源。


Chapter 1   Introduction
Oscar Wilde’s unfading play, The Importance of Being Earnest illustrates a picture of the factual livelihood of the upper class citizens in Victorian era. The double identities of the two main characters in the play impress the readers deeply and turn to be the key point to the play. In reality, Wilde lives a secret dual life too, which remind me of the deep connection between the play and his real life .This essay will focus on uncovering the profound social root and psychology motivation that cause people to live with double identities combing the theory of Simond.Freud.
By the late 19th and early 20th century, Sigmund Freud’s discipline of psychoanalysis not only has a very important impact on the western modern and contemporary work, but also provides a brand-new method of text reading, leading us to the spiritual world of the literature work and writers. Freud has given the science explanation about double identity from the perspective of psychology. A human being’s inner world is not as tranquil as it look like from the outward appearance ,it is a complicated system with multiple structures. In terms of Freud’s theory we can divided it into conscious and unconscious and Freud's late theory to the division of personality structure for conscious and unconscious and the improvement and development, is better explaining the existent source of dual personality.
