
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


艾米莉•狄金森(Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886)是美国19世纪一朵瑰丽的奇葩,英美现代派诗歌的先驱。虽然她在世时不为人知,只匿名发表过7篇文章,英语论文题目,但是现在她被认为是美国文学史上最伟大的诗人之一,被称为“美国诗歌之母” 。尽管她过着离群索居的生活,但是她却是个内心世界及其丰富的女诗人,对人生,自然,爱情和死亡都有着深刻的探讨,其中死亡诗歌是她诗歌创作精华之所在。在她的1775首诗中, 涉及死亡主题的诗歌就有600余首。在她的诗中,死亡并不都是常人想象的那样恐惧和让人害怕,相反,英语论文题目,她诗中展现了作者对死亡认识的过程,从开始认为的恐惧到后来的对死亡的泰然自若,认为死亡即永生。

关键词:艾米莉•狄金森, 死亡主题, 根源, 形成过程


Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) is a landmark in America of the 19th century and the forefather of modern poetry. Though she was rarely known by people when she was living and just seven of her poems were published by anonymity, now she is one of the most prominent and brilliant poets in American literary history. Emily Dickinson was entitled with the mother of American poetry. In spite of living in seclusion, she has such an abundant inner world that she has a profound research on life, nature, love and death. In all her 1775 poems, the poems on death were more than 600. In her poems, death is not like what we take for granted, fear or scare. On the contrary, she depicts a process of thinking in her inner mind. At first, she also thought death is terrified as others. With time went by, she had the opinion that death is eternity.
This thesis mainly analyzes Emily Dickinson’s poems on death. Through the careful analysis of the poems, it can be seen that death is eternity in Emily Dickinson’s poems. There are three chapters of this thesis, chapter one analyzes the reasons why Emily Dickinson is infatuated with death and has a profound research on death. Chapter two analyzes her process of thinking on death. In chapter three, several typical poems will be analyzed to show how her opinion about death set up.  At last, the author draws a conclusion that her unique idea on death has a great influence on modern American poetry.

Key words:  Emily Dickinson, death theme, source, process of thinking
