莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)是英国文艺复兴时期最杰出的戏剧家和诗人,他一生中创作了154首十四行诗,他的十四行诗既表现了广阔的语言天地和丰富的思想感情,又和谐悦耳,英语论文题目,美妙动听,具有强烈的感染力。虽然莎士比亚辞世已近四百年,不论是在学者的书斋,还是伶人的舞台,莎翁仍旧独领风骚,饮誉四海。莎士比亚在中国的文化土壤中吐露芬芳,英语论文网站,其十四行诗,吸引着众多学者目光。诗中所表达出的人文主义思想,既体现在他献给友人及爱人的颂歌中,也体现在他对人类艺术及爱情的赞美中,其人文主义思想既体现了他对人类的热爱,对人的本性——真、善、美的追求。
关键词: 莎士比亚,十四行诗, 人文主义
William Shakespeare is the most famous dramatist and poet during the English renaissance. During his life time, he wrote 154 sonnets which present broad language field and are full of humanist spirit. What is more, it is still infectious though it has been 400 years since his death. He is still the first choice in the scholar’s study room, and an actor’s stage. His name got through all over the world. Lately, there is more and more research on his works, especially his sonnets. What we know about it is the humanism in the sonnets, it is reflected both in the carol he wrote to his friend and his praise for human arts and love. More clearly, it is the personality of truth, goodness, and beauty.
This paper aims to have an analysis of the humanism in Shakespeare’s sonnets based on the previous study by many scholars and present my own understanding.
There are all together four parts: the first part is the introduction of some background and the main idea of the sonnets. Then the second part is to analyze the Characteristics of humanism -----truth, goodness, and beauty. The third part is the appreciation of the humanism from different point. In the last part, I will put forward my own idea about the humanism.
Key words: Shakespeare, sonnet, humanism