
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要


关键词:  荆棘鸟    女性主义     佛学    代价


The Thorn Birds was written by Colleen McCullough .This is a work of fiction and any resemblance between the characters in this book and real persons is coincidental .It is a distinguished work , which reflect the reality of the society. The story tells us a truth that true love and every nice thing need incredible cost to get. This thesis analyzes the heroines of three generations in the story. They reflect difference in the resistance to the unfair treatment the society imposed on them and their women brilliance. But they all show the identical spirit of persistence and intrepidress. This thesis will analyze the cost and happiness of three heroines by some Buddhist view. This thesis analyzes the three female images by discussing the cost that women paid for ideals; it attempts to interpret women's existence, their destiny and the significance of their struggles and emancipation in the light of feminist studies.

Key Words:  Thorn bird   Feminism   Buddhist    Cost

1. Introduction
1.1 Writing background of this paper

The 20th century witnessed the emergence of many outstanding female writers. Colleen McCullough is a famous Australian writer. Her typical work The Thorn Birds unfolds women's experiences and struggles before, during and after the Second World War for three generation. And the heroine of this book is unusual at that time.
This story takes place in the outback of Australia. It was a family saga involving three generations of the Clearys. Paddy Cleary, with his wife Fee and children, lived a hard life in New Zealand. He has a rich sister Mary Cason, a childless widow, in Australia. She sends for Paddy to bring his family to come to live and work for her on ‘Drogheda’. So she asks Ralph, a young priest and friend, to go and pick them up from the train station.
