
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

David Copperfield is the most famous novel of Charles Dickens, which is regarded as an autobiographical novel, since it narrates David's growth from childhood to adulthood. After experiencing many things, David becomes mature with a new understanding of the world. So it is a very typical novel of Bildungsroman. During David’s growing-up, there are many guiders who influence him a lot, positive and negative characters alike. All these guiders have very distinct characteristics such as the eccentric Betsey Trotwood, the wicked Uriah Heep, the loyal servant Peggotty and the angel Agnes. Many researches focus on the characteristics or writing skills or comparisons with Dickens’s other works. This dissertation will apply the theory of Bildungsroman, especially the pattern of Bildungsroman, to discuss the guiders' influences on David.

KEYWORDS:David Copperfield; Bildungsroman; Guiders; Influence

摘  要

大卫科波菲尔》是狄更斯最著名的一部小说。该小说描写的是大卫从出生到成年的一个过程,英语论文,所以很多探讨者认为它具有自传体性质。大卫经历了很多事情之后,对世界有一个新的认识,成为一个成熟的男子。 该部小说是很典型的成长小说。在大卫的成长过程中,有正面引路人也有负面引路人,他们对他的成长产生了巨大的作用。这些引导人具有十分特殊的性格,比如性格怪癖的特洛坞姨婆、邪恶的希普、忠实的仆人坡勾提和天使般的艾格尼斯。对该部小说的探讨有很多,有探讨人物性格的,也有探讨写作技巧的,还有探讨者将该部小说与狄更斯的其它小说进行对比。本文将采用成长小说理论特别是成长小说的模式,英语论文网站,重点略论引路人对大卫成长的作用。


1. Introduction
In this part, this paper will briefly introduce the author, his novel and the literature theory that will be used later. What is more, the significance of this study will be referred to.
1.1 Charles Dickens and his masterpiece David Copperfield
Charles Dickens is the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era. He spends the first three years of his life in Portsmouth, Hampshire, and then the family moves to London in 1815. He later says that he has poignant memories of childhood. That may explain why he pays so much attention to the description of children. In his works he creates many children images such as deserted child, abused child and so on. Though later he achieves great success in his career, his childhood memories still linger in his heart which he can not forget. He begins to show sympathy toward the deserted, abused and poor children living at the bottom of the society. From that time on, the children images run through Dickens’s works such as David in David Copperfield, Pip in Great Expectations, and Paul in Dombey and Son. Because of his miserable childhood experience, he knows vividly the psychology of a miserable child.
