
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Virginia Woolf is a famous English feminist writer. She has been hailed as a pioneer of the modernism and feminism in the twentieth century. Feminism is a social theory and political movement, whose origin and motivation is women’s experience. The novel “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf is considered to be a representative work of feminism. The thesis attempts to interpret “To the Lighthouse” based on feminism theory, mainly involving opposition between men and women in social status in patriarchal society, attitudes and way of thinking; characters and writing style. By analysis, it can show Virginia Woolf is a typical feminist.

Key Words: To the Lighthouse   feminism   patriarchal society

摘 要


关键词:《到灯塔去》 女性主义 父权社会

1 Introduction
Virginia Woolf is an outstanding English female writer. And her works are famous for her skill of steam consciousness and her thought of feminism. She has been hailed as a pioneer of the modernism and feminism in the twentieth century. During the two world wars, she is the central people in the literature world of London. Besides, she is one member of the Bloomsbury Group. Virginia Woolf advocates feminism, and she pays attention to the description of the person’s inner world not the realistic world. “To the Lighthouse” is one of her famous works. She innovates the English language to some extent, tries to use the stream consciousness in her novels, and attempts to depict the unconscious in people’s heart.
