
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


John Steinbeck was an American writer with a number of excellent works in fiction. His work, Of Mice and Men is regarded as the masterpiece of the “Realism Literature”. In 1962, the masterpiece Of Mice and Men won him the Nobel Prize for literature and established his unchallengeable position of American literature. Born in the early twentieth century, Steinbeck had experienced the hardship of manual laborer and thus had a strong and deep sympathy for the people on the heights of despair. The breadth of experience and the popular culture of his time had laid the foundations for his success in literary society. Being one of John Steinbeck’s renowned works, Of Mice and Men has generated plenty of controversy on its themes, such as the sense of solitude, the benevolence and wickedness of human nature. This thesis would deeply elaborate on the racism in Of Mice and Men by analyzing the characters, the general context of the Great Depression, and depression in the economy, social security and human nature from the perspective of the title, features of the characters and animal imagery. The purpose of this thesis is to remind readers of an overall picture of the world of complete solitude and images of feeble people in cruel fates.

Key Words: John Steinbeck  racism  Of Mice and Men

摘 要


关键词:约翰•斯坦贝克 种族主义《人鼠之间》

1 Introduction
John Steinbeck is a widely renowned American writer in the 20th century. His work, Of Mice and Men, which has earned him both the New York Drama Critics Award in 1937 and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962, is widely regarded as the masterpiece of the “Realism Literature”. Born in the early twentieth century, Steinbeck had experienced the hardship of manual laborer and thus had a strong and deep sympathy for the people on the heights of despair because of racism etc.
