
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

The Scarlet Letter is the first long novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, who is regarded as the most influential romantic novelist of the nineteenth century   America. Due to the influence of family background and environment, feminist movement, and thought of transcendental philosophy, Hawthorne creates vivid and symbolic images in The Scarlet Letter that embody feminist consciousness and Puritan thoughts. The heroine Hester owns a contradictory character from the perspective of feminism. On the one hand, Hester’s persistent character and independent spirit encourage her to rebel against the Puritan society and strive for her love and her rights. She owns maternal consciousness and feminist consciousness. On the other hand, she makes compromise with the Puritan society. The scarlet letter which is on the breast of Hester’s gown represents her self-redemption. Actually, Hester regards herself as a sinner. From the contradictory character of Hester, we can find that Hawthorne doesn’t completely appreciate Hester’s rebel. On the contrary, he approves the value of patriarchal authorities of his age. And The Scarlet Letter especially expresses the central Christian ethics: the universality of sin and redemption of human individuals.

Key Words: Hester; The Scarlet Letter; Rebel; Compromise

摘  要:


1 Introduction
Nathaniel Hawthorne is the most influential romantic novelist in the 19th century. His The Scarlet Letter is regarded as a masterpiece of writing in western literary history, in which Hawthorne creates vivid and symbolic images that embody feminist consciousness and Puritan thoughts. In particular, he is adept in making use of symbols to represent the theme.
1.1 Nathaniel Hawthorne and His The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on July4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts. Some of his ancestors were men of prominence in the 17th century Puritan New England. His American ancestor, John Hathorne, was an infamous “Hanging Judge” of Salem. He presided over the 1692 witchcraft trials, during which an accused witch cursed him with the cry: “God will give you blood to drink﹗”
