
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

 As the representative of “the lost generation”, Ernest Hemingway enjoys the worldwide reputation and remains a conspicuous figure in the field of literary criticism. Among the vast critics on Hemingway and his works, studies on this famous writer's ecological view have been around great attention. Based on the theory of Eco-criticism and Hemingway's ecological view, this thesis explored the protagonist of The Snows of Kilimanjaro, namely Harry's physical and spiritual predicament and his return to nature, finding that: Harry, just like Hemingway, is lost in the worldly life which is far away from nature but exploits nature. Feeling disgusted at this luxurious and decayed life, Harry returns to nature hoping that he can be salvaged. Such self-salvation is fulfilled when his physical body died and his spirit reached the snow-capped peak of Kilimanjaro, where the leopard lies. Harry's predicament and returning back to nature exactly reflects the contradictory and compromising relationship between human and nature, which also shed light on how should we deal with this everlasting problem.

Key words: Eco-criticism; predicament; return to nature; harmony between human and nature

作为“迷失的一代”的代表人物,厄尼斯特•海明威在全世界都享有盛名,并且在生态批评学领域作出了巨大的贡献。基于生态批评学理论及海明威的生态思想,英语论文范文,本文研讨了《乞力马扎罗的雪》的主人公哈利的肉体和精神困境以及他的回归自然,指出:哈利如同海明威一样迷失在了远离自然并剥削自然的世俗生活中。因为对奢侈腐朽的生活感到厌恶,哈利回归自然,希望从中得到救赎。当他的肉体死亡,而精神却到达白雪覆盖的乞力马扎罗的山顶-- 他的精神家园时,他才得到了自我的救赎。哈利的困境和回归自然准确地反映出人与自然对立与妥协的联系,给我们如何处理这永恒的问题以启示。


1 Introduction
1.1 The Story
The Snows of Kilimanjaro is a short story by Ernest Hemingway. Considered by Hemingway himself to be one of his finest stories, it was first published in Esquire in 1936. The story depicts:
Stranded on the hot African plain, within sight of the snow-capped mountain, the protagonist, Harry, suffers from a gangrenous leg wound. He is accompanied by his wealthy lover, Helen, on whom he is financially dependent. As they await rescue, Harry bitterly reflects on his once-promising writing career. He realizes that he has sacrificed his talent for the material pleasures offered by Helen and people of her kind. Filled with rage and self-disgust, Harry responds with sarcasm to Helen's thoughtful ministrations. The couple fruitlessly bicker, and as they argue he has a premonition of his own death.
