
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要




This paper analyses William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily, focusing on its symbolism in the story. There are affluent images in the story, and almost everything mentioned in the story has its underlying meanings; therefore, it is very worthwhile to study these symbols. Through these symbols like the protagonist Miss Emily, her house, roses, hair etc., the author tries to illustrate many themes in the story- death, time and love. Miss Emily is an embodiment of the traditional and stubborn southerner; Miss Emily’s house is one of the important symbols representing the past because it rejects updating like Miss Emily, and it deteriorates with the aging of Miss Emily’s appearance; Roses are a symbol of Homer and Miss Emily’s father’s love for her, town’s love and admiration for her, and also foreshadows her eventual destruction; Miss Emily’s hair symbolizes the freedom she occurs after her strict father’s death and also represents the changing of the time as the color of the hair changes; Homer Barron who has a short relationship with Miss Emily obviously represents the present, the formation, and the new ways; the narrator represents the attitudes, ideas, and the gossip of the community. While all these symbols function to demonstrate the important historical event in which the transition happens requiring an old south to change to a new and modern south. Through these images,the writer shows readers the changes the South is facing and about to face at that time in America. Readers are enabled to get a general picture of social changes in American at that time through reading my thesis.

Key words:  A Rose for Emily;Images;Symbolism;

1 Introduction
    This paper explores all kinds of symbols in the story. Only when readers understand the symbolic meanings hidden in the story, they can understand the story better and know William Faulkner’s purpose that after Civil War, southern America in the United States inevitably need to change from an old, traditional south to a modern south and what will happen to those who prefer staying in the past to create the story. To learn the historical background is very important for readers to figure out the symbolism in A Rose for Emily. 
