
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

菲茨杰拉德的小说《了不起的盖茨比》描绘了美国 20 世纪 20 年代民众的精神状态,本文通过略论“爵士乐时代”的代表人物盖茨比与美国历史传统民族精神——富兰克林精神和西部拓荒精神的密切联系,英语论文,论述了盖茨比悲剧产生的根源 , 解释了在那个时代 “ 美国梦 ” 破灭产生的失落感以及道德的沦丧 , 因而具有广泛的代表性和典型意义。

关键词:盖茨比;民族精神; 富兰克林精神; 西部拓荒精神


The Great Gatsby that was written by Fitzgerald has described the state of mind of the people in the 20th in USA. This paper figures out the relationship between the representative of “The era of the jazz”-- Gatsby and traditional national spirit of USA's history --Franklin spirit and the pioneer spirit, expounds the origin of the Gatsby`s tragedy, explains that the sense of loss came from the wreckage of the “American dream” in that period and the anomic, therefore have extensive representativeness and typical meaning.

Key words: Gatsby; national spirit; spirit of Franklin

1 Introduction
This paper "The Great Gatsby" is a description of the work of the "Jazz Age" of social life, in the "Jazz Age", "all the gods were all killed off, all the battles have been waged, completely shaken The people of all beliefs. "The Great Gatsby describes the hero Gatsby order to marry a high society beautiful, wealthy young lady, hard struggle, and eventually abandoned, framed died short and tragic life. Gatsby is a life in such a disillusionment, confusion values the "Jazz Age" typical, but the pursuit of the ideal representative figures contains the traditions and values in the United States, a spokesman for the American national spirit of that era.

2 The Faithfull of Followers Franklin Spirit
2.1 Franklin Spirit
Benjamin Franklin (Benjamin, Franklin, 1706 - 1790) was born in Boston, a merchant family, last year of primary school before the age of only odd jobs later in his father's store, the 12-year-old apprentice in his brother operated printing. Came to Philadelphia, he is convinced that self-struggle, sure to get rich, he started from scratch, finally successful, as the United States from pauper to millionaire success stories, spreading the word. His money first, everyone can become rich, and the people are industrious and thrifty, temperance patience, impartiality, loyalty, and mentioned in his thirteen virtues of " principle of life and to seek moral perfection creed, the American people widely accepted, the spirit of Franklin.
