
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要


关键词:讽刺幽默;腐败;独有风格; 语言艺术;暴露


Mark Twain was the most prominent representative of the traditional American humor literature, his black humor with a serious and profound ideological content of its humorous art style is unique, humor skills are superb. His work created a generation of literary style, satirical humor of American literature and even world literature produce literary works show the influence of the abyss. Embodied in the The Million Pound Note in the ironic humor of Mark Twain novel detailed analysis and discussion.

Key words: satirical humor; corruption; unique style; language art; expose

1 Introduction
Mark Twain’s novel loved by people all over the world for its profound cultural connotations. His works, especially The Million Pound Note learn the essence of European culture based on fusion of cultural characteristics of the United States, creating a novel transcend national boundaries and take care of all of humanity common practices of its past and the creation of a milestone in the history of American literature significance. Mark Twain Puritan ideals of this story takes place in London background with American and Wild West humor blend to show our American culture originated in Britain, but the impact and influence of North American culture ultimately achieve localization the course.

1.1 Research Background
Generally speaking, satirical humor could make us know the fact of an event, social relations or people’s nature while laughing .When we look at problems at this level, Mark Twain’s novels are worthy of consideration, especially in his novel The Million Pound Note. The first time I read this novel, I just fell the protagonist is a really lucky dog because after he got the million pond note by accident, everyone around him respects him and provide him everything he wants .However this is not what Mark Twain wanna tell us ,on the other way I was a pupil when I first read the novel. The Million Pound Note,I couldn’t read that further. But now I have read this novel for more than 20 times and I have my own opinion on this novel.
