
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要



The Catcher in the Rye is the only published novel by J.D. Salinger. When it published in 1951, this book immediately makes the American writer known all cross the world and creates a sensation among the readers. This novel introduces a 16-year-old boy, Holden who is kicked out again by the school. After leaving school, he treks long distances to New York. His experience in three days changes his own mind greatly. Holden, the hero, is an icon of the American teenagers after the World War Two. Holden represents the teenage confusion, angst, alienation and rebellion, as a model of the American teenagers after the World War Two. This novel shows the US teenagers’ condition and reflects many social problems at that time through the tragic hero, Holden, who dares to despise the agreed convention in the society. In his ordinary life, he is enslaved to drinking smoking, uses foul words and fails in the school. There are many reasons to cause the tragic such as his family, the school and the society. Holden also faces the dilemma between the child world and the adult world. This paper focuses on the spiritual growing process to analyze the change of hero’s inner world. So, to study such a novel, it will help us not only enjoy its literary value, but also better understand the social background in the 1950s in the US. In the paper, it will firstly study the features of Holden, and then analyze the main reasons to cause his characters. Finally, Holden gradually realizes his own responsibility. He is willing to accept this imperfect world.

Key words: Holden; character; reasons

