
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要




Jane Austen is wildly considered to be one of the greatest female writer in the19th century. She wrote six novels through her life, most of them tell a love story based on marriage. Her six novels are generally considered to be the first modern novel of British. At that time, Austen vividly revealed the class relationships, social customs and morals, which is fundamental reason for the formation of the Austen’s view on marriage. This paper first introduces some backgrounds about the author and her three main novels. The major part of this paper mainly analyzes the different marriages in Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion. It finally approaches the positive meanings and limitations of Austen’s view on marriage. This paper combines Austen’s own views on marriage in her novels to analyze the importance of money and equal social status in a marriage, and intends to reveal the significance of marriage for the modern women.What’s more, this paper combines her life experience in order to summarize her outlook of marriage. Her novels contains a kind of wisdom only be owned by women, her meticulous observation and the inner depth of emotion vividly depicted the small world around Austen, especially the marriage and love disturbances among ladies and gentlemen. As time goes on, Austen’s marital outlook is still well worth our deep consideration even today. All in all, this paper gives young person a more reasonable concept of marriage.

Key words: Jane Austen; views on marriage; women

1 Introduction
In the history of female literature, Jane Austen is a remarkable woman in the literary area. She has made a pioneering effort. After reading the six novels of Jane Austen, readers could find the contents from her several works were not the same, but the themes were almost consistent, that was love and marriage. The story of her novels and the behavior of the characters develop around marriage. With her own unique experience and feeling, she supports a sky in female writing. To some extent, Austen uses her special perspective of female to show that women’s right view on marriage at her times. This paper mainly revolved around the different marriages in Austen’s works and summarized Austen’s view on marriage.
