
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

This paper takes Chinua Achebe (includes his experience as a novelist and his novels) for example. Cluing in historical process of African postcolonial novel’s gestation and rise, it analyzes the external factor which influences the development of African postcolonial novel: the mass media. This paper reveals the effect of mass media in the rise of African postcolonial novel and proves its unique value and identity.
Keywords   African novel   Chinua Achebe   Mass media

关键词  非洲小说   阿契贝   大众传媒

In African society, the influence of mass media was obvious. Disturbing the old social structure, mass media enhanced the social changes in West Africa. Almost all of the novelists of West Africa were inextricably tied up with media. Chinua Achebe worked in Nigerian Broadcasting Service between 1954 and 1966; Cyprian Ekwensi, Nigerian novelist, worked in both broadcasting station and news agency; The Nigerian novelist and poet Nkem Nwankwo were engaged in broadcasting and newspaper after working for Drum magazine; Nigerian writer Onuora Nzekwu was a teacher, and then worked for a news agency; Gabriel Okara who once won the Commonwealth Poetry Prize worked in the news department during the majority of his working life; The famous Ghana writer Ayi Kwei Armah was a translator for Révolution Africaine magazine in Algeria after his graduation from Harvard, then became a playwright in Ghana Television. Through mass media, these African writers opened up their social horizons, and came into contact with social reality, which laid an essential foundation for their literary creation in the future. At the same time, mass media like publishing houses directly participated in and promoted the establishment of the writers’ literary status and the construction of classical works. All of these should generated concern from literary researchers.
