
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Dan Brown is a good story teller, a wise scholar and a cryptographist, he is also a Christian. The Da Vinci Code is a very successful and attractive novel, the symbolic thoughts in it shows the philosophical view of the author. Behind the interesting stories, we can see Dan Brown’s creative brain, various knowledge and world view. The most successful point is the author’s wisdom and creativity of narrative and writing techniques. This article s based on the combination of the author’s family background and Christian culture, it analyzes the symbolic idea and its characteristic in this book in order to understand the charm of contemporary symbolism literature. It also combines history, reality and religious to consider about the revelation which the novel gives us-“Whether the devotion is true of false is not important, the important thing is to understand the symbolic significance behind history culture and have your own devotion”15.
The main secret of the Da Vinci Code is the marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their children. It turns to the main suspense with the Holy Grail in the novel. This paper intends to borrow theories of symbol, it analyzes symbolic things in The Da Vinci Code and let people know a particular history and literature so as to develop ability of learning and understanding language and practical application.
Keywords   The Da Vinci Code  Dan Brown  Symbolism  Religion  

关键词  达•芬奇密码  丹•布朗  象征主义  宗教

The topic should reach not only the general purpose of writing papers; it should train the ability of learning and gaining knowledge. This article is written with the help of symbol theory and text analysis, it discusses the symbol in the Da Vinci Code and has a deeper understanding of the culture background, literature and society. From this, we can improve the ability of language learning and practical application of English.
The paper is based on the original works and the understanding of the form of symbolism. It uses content analysis method, comparison method and literature and analyze and discuss the original works with own point of view.

