
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract: Nowadays, with the development of globalization, English has become the most important tool all around the world. It is widely acknowledged that vocabulary plays a significant role in foreign language learning. Whether a second language learner learns the language well or not depends on how well he or she masters vocabulary. Without vocabulary, language will lose its meaning. English vocabulary acquisition has a very important position in the language. A lot of people spend a lot of time and effort in the vocabulary memorization, but gain little.
    Therefore, it is significant to study the application of metaphor in English vocabulary acquisition. This paper is composed of five parts. The first part introduces studies of metaphor at home and aboard. The second part introduces the definition of metaphor under the cognitive perspective. The third part includes the introductions and the application of  metaphor under the cognitive perspective in English vocabulary acquisition. The fourth part shows the significance of the culture in metaphorical thinking under the cognitive perspective. The fifth part shows the difficulties and the application of English vocabulary acquisition. The last part is the conclusion. This paper uses metaphorical thinking method in the English vocabulary memory, designs to help students break through the bottleneck of traditional learning vocabulary, so as to grasp the word easily and improve the standard of English rapidly.
Key words: cognitive perspective; metaphor; metaphorical thinking; vocabulary acquisition

摘  要:如今,英语论文题目,随着全球化的发展,英语在世界各地已成为最重要的交流工具。众所周知,在外语学习中,词汇起着重要的影响。第二语言学习者学习语言的好与否取决于学习者掌握的词汇。没有词汇,语言就失去了意义。英语词汇习得在语言中具有非常重要的地位。很多人在词汇记忆中耗费了大量的时间和精力却收获不大。

