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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract: Patrick White is an Australian writer who is widely regarded as one of the most important English-language novelists of the 20th century. From 1935 until his death, he published 12 novels, two short-story collections and eight plays. In 1973, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, the only Australian to have been awarded the prize. His works have made great influence on Australian literary and even the whole world literary. The Eye of the Storm, one of his famous novels, is focused on the still moment in time when the purchase on life is slipping away -- an 86 year-old woman who has had a stroke and whose main show of vitality is in the gritting of her gums or the wetting of her bed. And now from other parts of the world, her son Basil and daughter Dorothy come to see her, then tells the contradictions and struggles between them. Unexceptionally, The Eye of the Storm has drawn worldwide attention and brought about lots of discussion both home and abroad. While this paper will analysis of  the absurdity of capitalism in The Eye of the Storm. The paper can be divided into four parts. The first part serves as an introduction of the writer, the novel and some related researches about this novel. The second part is to analysis The Eye of the Storm from conflict and desire, two major characteristics of the absurdity of capitalism. The fourth part draws a conclusion of the major points. In a word, money is not everything, affections between family members and lovers can not based on the money.

Key Words: Patrick White; The Eye of  the  Storm; conflict; desire

摘 要:帕特里克•怀特被认为是20世纪最重要的澳大利亚籍英文小说家。他一生中共出版了12篇小说,2部短篇小说集以及八部戏剧。1973年,他被授予诺贝尔文学奖,成为澳大利亚迄今为止唯一被授予诺贝尔文学奖的作家,他的著作对澳大利亚文学乃至整个世界文学都具有深刻的意义。《风暴眼》是他著名小说之一,该小说主要叙述了中风在床的86岁老太太-亨特太太,在病榻上苟延残喘,希望通过反省自身的过去来得到良心的解脱的同时,还要与从世界的另一个半球飞回来,英语论文题目,打着探望的旗号,实为谋取她的遗产的她的儿子巴兹尔和女儿多萝西进行不断地斗争,从而保护自己一生所看重的物质财富不被儿女夺去。不出所料的,《风暴眼》吸引了国内外学者的探讨目光。而本文从资本主义荒诞性的角度略论《风暴眼》。此文分为三部分,第一部分介绍了作者、小说内容以及基于这部小说的一些探讨成果,第二部分则通过资本主义荒诞性的矛盾以及贪欲两个主要特点来详尽略论《风暴眼》中的资本主义荒诞性,最后一部分是本文的总结。总之,钱不是万能的,亲情以及爱情是不能以金钱为基础的。
关键词:帕特里克.怀特 ;《风暴眼》 ;矛盾 ;贪欲

