
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract : Chinese American writers who live in both Chinese and American cultures are the most sensitive to cultural conflict and integration. Based on the previous research on the conflicts between Chinese and American culture in Chinese American literature, the thesis tries to make a profound exploration into the cultural clash between China and America in domestic sphere, mainly the typical conflicts in immigrant family and the fundamental causes of the phenomenon. In this thesis, many examples are illustrated to support the subject. From the perspective of intercultural communication, the thesis summarizes the literature review of The Joy Luck Club, which tells the brief clue of The Joy Luck Club and the background of Amy Tan. The typical cultural conflicts in domestic sphere in The Joy Luck Club is also analyzed. It also tells two fundamental reasons of the phenomenon and gives a reasonable conclusion. It is hoped that this thesis can provide some reference value to the study of contemporary culture conflicts and fusion between Chinese and American.
Key Words: cultural conflict; Chinese American; domestic sphere; mother-daughter relation


   It is known that Chinese and American people are from different background, so it is inevitable that they will confront with some conflicts in daily life and work, especially in this  era of globalization. It is undeniable that people from different countries have more opportunity to communicate with others. Obviously cultural conflict has become the talk of the world. The  purpose of the thesis is to discuss how cultural conf1ict between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-born daughters, wives and husbands is demonstrated through their daily behaviors. From the perspective of the culture, this thesis tries to investigate Chinese culture and Western conflicts based on a detailed analysis of different cultures in the novel The Joy Luck Club.
