
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract: Adverbs play an important part in syntax as well as in communication. As a subtype of adverbs, downtoners help to emphasize the main ideas of one’s utterances and indicate the tone and attitudes of the speakers. However, up until now the studies of downtoners are small in number and the perspectives of these studies are very limited. The current paper intends to study synonymous downtoners with almost, nearly, practically as targets from the perspective of extended units of meaning which offers us a more scientific and profound way to study synonyms. The result of the research indicates that the three targets have obvious differences in their collocations and colligations, and they are similar in semantic preference and semantic prosody. In view of the research findings, the author suggests: firstly, teachers and students should pay more attention to the distinctions of synonyms while teaching and studying synonymous words; secondly, lexicographers should put much emphasis on the explanations of differences between synonyms; thirdly, researchers should carry out their research on words from the perspective of extended units of meaning so as to study words in a more comprehensive and systematic way.
Key Words: corpus; downtoner; extended units of meaning


摘要:副词在英语句法和交流中起着重要的影响。作为副词的一类,减弱词有助于突出信息中心,强调说话者的语气和态度。当前对减弱词的探讨数量少,探讨视角也比较局限。本文以三个近义减弱词almost, nearly和practically为探讨目标,英语毕业论文,应用语料库的探讨措施,从更加全面的视角——扩展意义单位,对英语减弱词进行系统的探讨。探讨发现:三个近义减弱词在搭配和类联接上有明显异同,英语论文题目,在语义倾向和语义韵方面类似。鉴于以上探讨结果,笔者建议:首先,老师和学生应更加注重对近义词之间区别的教授和学习;再者,编撰字典时应强调对近义词之间区别的标注;最后,应从扩展意义单位的视角出发,以最大的路径全面深入地进行词汇教学与探讨。

According to Biber (2017), there are three major word classes, namely lexical words, function words and inserts. Lexical words are the main carriers of meaning in a text and are numerous in number and adverbs are one of the four main classes of lexical words. Adverbs answer questions for the readers and show people what additional information the readers need to know by telling people how something is done, why, when or where. Adverbs play an important part in syntax. They can modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs and elements such as noun phrases. Besides, they can serve as complements of prepositions and clause elements. Adverbs with degree complements can function as an adverbial as a whole. What’s more, adverbs can stand alone.
