
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Thomas Hardy is a great poet and novelist of the Victorian Age, whose works are transitional. They not only inherit the traditional critical realism, but also pave a way for English literature in the twentieth century. Jude the Obscure is one of his most important works. It has attracted close attention of critics once published. This paper will try to learn the women's voiceless struggle in the novel through letters. Though Jude the Obscure is not an epistolary novel, letters play an important part in it. It contributes to the development of the plots and makes the characters' images more complete.

Sue Bridehead is one of the protagonists in the novel. She is a representative of educated and civilized women in Victorian Age. Through her tragedy, the author expresses his thoughts about religion, marriage and love of English society at that time. To some feminist critics, the position of Sue is more significant than the hero Jude. In the novel, Sue is changeable and unpredictable. She seems to be calm, cautious and strict with herself in front of people. However, she behaves differently in her letters. She can express her real thoughts through the letters. Therefore, this thesis will try to combine self-expression of women with letter writing to learn more about Hardy and his novel.

Key words: Jude the Obscure, letter writing, enlightened woman, self–expression
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