“A Rose for Emily” is generally viewed as one of the most important American short stories in 20th century. Its author William Faulkner is regarded as the representative of the southern literature of the United States. Although many literary critics have recognized that narrative techniques play an important role in this novel and interpreted it by means of Mark Schorer’s new criticism theory and other theories concerning narrative techniques, there are few studies in China interpreting this novel through combining narrative techniques and the plot of the story. The core aim of narrative techniques study is to discuss their influences on readers, and thus explain the effects they produce on the characterization of the heroine and theme development. The paper contains five chapters. Chapter One, the introduction, is divided into four parts: the significance and motivation of writing this paper, which show the power of “A Rose for Emily” as well as its writer and justifiability to employ narrative techniques in analyzing this short story. Chapter Two is the literature review. In this chapter, the author gives a brief survey of the critical works, both at home and abroad, on “A Rose for Emily”. Chapter Three is the analysis of the work from the perspective of narration. Chapter Four analyzes the narrative techniques’ influences on readers and their effects on characterization and theme development. Chapter Five is the conclusion. Based on the analysis in the previous chapters, it can be concluded that the tragedy of Emily is made by the decayed puritanical ethic tradition.
Key words: William Faulkner, Anachronism, The first-person plural narrative, Stream of consciousness
摘 要
关键词:威廉•福克纳, 时间错置, 第一人称复数叙事, 意识流