这项活动要求学生具有较强的语言控制能力。在活动开展前,必须有相应的准备期,讨论活动在中等程度以上的班级可以升级为辩论,将可辩性的论题给持不同观点的学生,让他们为之辩论。这项说的活动是促进学生由模仿到认知创造的有力途径。将学生把注意力过分集中在语言形式上,引到语言内容上来,培养了他们的即兴表达能力。 在听力教材第四册第十三课中:Dialogue 1:Children and TVDialogue 2:A Panel Discussion on SmokingPart C: Oral Practice: Discuss the followingquestions.1).What are the good and bad effects on chil-dren? What programs suitable or notsuitable for children to watch? If you were aTV producer, what programs would you pre-pare for children?2). How does smoking affect one’s health?Should it be banned in all public places, in-cluding the streets? Why or why not?输出过程可以图示为:简单模仿→模仿强化→习得再创造→综合语言行为non-cognitive process cognitive process掌握外语不仅是对语法知识和语用知识的掌握,还要求掌握实际应用语言的能力。活动要有针对性,形式和内容都应服务于目的,活动应具有一定的现实意义。(参考文献略)
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