
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Research Background
In the last twenty years or so, language teaching has changed tremendously because ofthe reform on Educational teaching concepts and new findings in second language acquisition(SLA). Learners have become the center of language teaching. Quality-oriented educationwhich is characterized as leamer-centered, competence-based, process-oriented languageteaching is becoming more and more popular. Language teaching has experienced a strikingshift from the traditional teacher-centered to leamer-centered language teaching. Teachingconcept has changed from concerning on 'linguistic knowledge' to a more practical focus onwhat learners can actually do by using language. Under these circumstances, task-basedlanguage teaching (TBLT) which originated from the communicative language teaching(CLT) has becomes more and more popular. Task-based Language Teaching is a languageteaching approach which was introduced to China in the late 1980's. It is based on the studyof second language acquisition theory and communicative language teaching theory.TBLT forces teachers to consider carefully all the techniques that they use in theclassroom so as to provide learners with a real-world language learning context, engagelearners in puiposefiil problem-solving activity which emphasize communication andmeaning. A task here is a goal-oriented activity or action that was finished by students as aresult of communicative problem solving and language processing. The essence of task-basedlanguage teaching is 'learning by doing', which means students engage themselves inrealistic, natural learning processes by experiencing and exploring language, by makingcycles of analysis, analogy and synthesis so as to promote their own interlanguage systems.In TBLT, a teacher's job is to select topics or design tasks and set the procedures that canmotivate students, attract their attention, offer a suitable degree of intellectual and linguisticchallenge and promote their language development effectively.

1.2 Research Significance
In recent years, Higher Vocational Education in China hammers at stimulating students'learning interests, cultivating students' all-around competence. With the development of thesociety, and the need of social economy, it is imperative to reform vocational college Englishteaching methods.Traditional “spoon-feeding” teaching mode cannot meet the needs of socialdevelopment, and to some extent it blocked the implementation of quality education invocational college. Chengde Nursing Vocational College in which the author of this paperworks aiming to develop students' all-around abilities, fosters students' ability to explore,practice and innovate so as to adapt to the development of modern nursing education. Theteaching goal also emphasizes students' practical English ability. That is, training qualifiednursing English major students for foreign hospitals. English is undoubtedly a requiredcourse for students who major in English nursing and it is an essentia skill for students in their fiiture work.Reading, as major input of language, plays a vital role in second language acquisition. Itis an active interaction between reader and writer. As a teacher, it is very important topromote students' reading conprehension ability which is the foundation for their furtherstudy. The traditional Engli,英语毕业论文英语毕业论文
