
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Chapter 1. The Literature Review

1.1. An Overview of the Studies on Language Learning Strategies
Learning strategy is originated in the late 20thcentury. Because of the modern psychologyand human deepening of the study, it is the production of psychological science evolving; peoplebegin to realized that human psychology is opened, it is not a “closed black box”, it can be knownfor person. People began to study the brain mechanisms of the learning. American psychologistBruner (1956) in the study of Artificial Intelligence for the first time to proposed the “CognitiveStrategies”. Later, Psychologist Newell, Shaw and Simon (1958) followed by effective used ofcomputers to stimulate the problem-solving strategy, creating the concept of learning strategies,causing psychologists, especially great interest, educational psychologists.With the development of cognitive psychology in Mid-1970s, the study of secondlanguage learning strategies emerged. The United States Rubin, Canadian Naiman, Frohlieh andTodeseo et al are the first group people advanced to enter this hidden area. In 1975, Rubinpublished “good learners who can teach us anything?” In her research, she summarizes the goodlearners have seven strategies. In the same year, Stern outlines the top ten winners of languagelearning strategies. Since then, the study of second language reading strategies became a hot topic,in every aspects of applied linguistics research. By the 1980s, Constructivist Learning Theorybecame mainstream, research gradual shift from learning strategies macro to micro, from theory topractice.

1.2. An Overview of the Studies on Reading Strategies

1.2.1 An Overview of the Studies on Reading Strategies Abroad
The study of reading strategies in second language started in the 1970s. Phillips (1975) forEnglish as a Second Language Learners to study, how to perform reading tasks, the use of“sound-mind” to those who deal with words when reading strategies used were investigatedreading strategies to distinguish skilled and unskilled reader used. Application famous linguistHosenfeld (1977) for 40 young people who studied foreign language reading and found:differences strategies using in successful readers and unsuccessful when are in reading process.Hosenfe1d (1984) also found that successful readers could identify words grammar class, able toidentify differences in word order language, be able to identify cognates and know when to usethe vocabulary. Subsequently, many scholars of strategy use and individual differences! Meta-cognitive awareness and reading comprehension are as well as training, and other aspects ofthe strategies of large-scale study. In recent years, Chinese scholars in this field more and moreattention, despite a late start, but the starting point is not low, or also made some influentialresearch results ' such as: text Wen Qiufang (1995) analyzed using the case study method a pairof English learning methods used in successful and unsuccessful results showed that Englishlearning successful and not successful in language learning concepts, strategies and managementconcepts and strategies there are differences; Dandan (2017) and for reading success differencesare not successful English reading strategies about their correlation between strategies and readingachievement in reading have been studie,英语论文范文英语毕业论文
