
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
As one of the basic skills in language learning, reading is not only an important way toconsolidate and expand knowledge of the target language, but a necessary activity to obtaininformation and funs. With the development of economic globalization, the position ofEnglish, as an international common language, is becoming more and more obviousnowadays. All kinds of English literatures, especially those in science and technologyliteratures, are growing in a geometric way. A great many policymakers and scientists fromvarious parts of the world want to obtain the latest information and the most advancedtechnology. They make every attempt to read those data written in English Language.Naturally, research and teaching about reading skills become the focus in English Learning.Studies on reading process and reading strategies are standing out in this situation.Since the 1970s, scholars and theories in L2 acquisition and second language teachinghave shifted their attention from inspecting the methods of teaching to exploring the processesof learning (Oxford, 1990). That is to say, research interest in English reading has beentransformed from teachers’ teaching to students’ learning and a great many studies have beenconducted from the students’ point of view. Studies have showed that learners can beinstructed to take more charge of what and how they learn (Rubin, 1987). In the meantime, itis increasingly believed that much effectiveness in language learning is not more dependenton a teacher’s capability of teaching, but on language learners’ personal abilities to beresponsible for their own learning, the ability to make full use of chances to learn (Holec,1981). Gradually, researchers and teachers have been aware that no singular research findingand no singular method of language teaching would usher in an era of utopia of absolute,predictable success in teaching a second language.

1.2 Significance of the Study
For English Language Learners in China, reading is the basis to obtain all availableinformation. In the age of information explosion today, English reading is especiallyimportant and outstanding in language learning and teaching. It not only supplies languagelearners with significant and adequate linguistic inputs, but also makes a solid basis for theirnext improvement in other language skills. As is usually known, the Chinese language is usedconsiderably for business, recreation, education, and many other activities. Consequently,most Chinese students have narrow chances to undertake a wide range of listening andspeaking exercises with native speakers. As a consequence, reading becomes the main methodfor them to get a great deal of information. It tends to become a central task for the collegestudents to understand and interpret a large number of written materials. But this type ofreading is rather complicated and difficult to learn. So many researchers have made greatefforts to identify a list of strategies that can improve students’ reading performances.Teachers also have paid more attention to reading strategies in language teaching. The studiesin second language acquisition have shown that reading strategies have a positive effect onthe improvement of reading ability.

Chapter Two Literature Review英语论文范文英语论文题目
