
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research
Reading, as an essential intellectual activity in the modern civilization, has long been animportant way to consolidate and enlarge the knowledge of English language, as well as getinformation and understand the culture of English countries. Besides, as we seldom have chanceto listen, speak and write English in our daily life except for the classroom, the way to enlargeour vocabulary, improve our ability of English comprehension and expression and enrich ourlanguage sense, therefore, is maybe mainly by reading all kinds of English books andmagazines. What’s more, reading is the main skill of learning English and it becomes the basisof the development of listening, speaking and writing skills. Thus, in our traditional Englishteaching situation, reading class has been regarded as the most important subject, and readingteaching, an important component of English teaching, which is the same with English teachingin vocational college, since it is also an important objective to improve the students’ readingskill in vocational college.However, the situation of reading teaching is not very satisfactory in vocational college,for it is still continuing some traditional and rigid reading teaching models, which is under theguidance of behaviorism theory. The teacher keeps talking during the whole class. Usually, theyexplain the vocabulary first, then from down to up, words to sentences, explaining the textsentence by sentence until the end of text. Finally, the students do the exercises after the text.This kind of dull and boring teaching model with the limited English background of vocationalcollege students makes the students conflict with English and suppresses their interest inlearning English, let alone improving the reading skill of theirs. Therefore, the traditionalteaching model characterized by teacher-centered and grammar-focused should be reformed.

1.2 Objectives of the Research
Given the practical conditions of the students in vocational college and the currentsituation in vocational college English reading teaching, the current study ventures toinvestigate the relationship between the use of ESA teaching model and the improvement of thestudents’ reading proficiency in vocational college with the aid of an empirical research. Theother objective of the research is to figure out the relationship between the use of ESA teachingmodel and the development of the students’ interest in English reading in vocational colleges.To achieve this aim, a questionnaire and follow-up interview will be adopted. Finally, the writerwill put forward some suggestions on how to use ESA teaching model for vocational Englishteachers, in order to improve the English reading teaching in vocational college. The writer alsohopes more and more English teachers can study further about ESA teaching model and thinkout more practical models and methods to teach English reading in vocational colleges.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 ESA Teaching Model
Harmer (2017) points out that both children and adults can learn a language withoutstudying it and they can learn a language unconsciously by exposed to it or having the right kindof contact with it. Those adults who come into contact with a foreign language but do not learn itjust because they might not want to, they do no,英语论文范文英语论文题目
