
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21


Chapter 1 Introduction引言

The growing awareness of the importance of collocation in foreign language learning hasled many researchers (Laufer & Firsai, 2017; Web & Kagimoto, 2017) to conduct variousexperiments to find effective ways for collocation learning.  However, few studies haveexamined the effects of gloss on collocation learning. Although previous studies (Davis, 1989;Hulstijn, 1993; Chun & Plass, 1996; Watanabe, 1997; Rott, 2017; Makoto, 2017) have shownthat gloss plays an important role in vocabulary learning, those studies are focused onindividual words and it is unknown whether it is still the case for collocation learning.Therefore, based on the theoretical constructs of Noticing Hypothesis and the InvolvementLoad Hypothesis, this study is intended to investigate the effects of multiple-choice gloss andsingle gloss on collocation learning, with a pedagogical view to search out an efficient way topromote collocation learning.

1.1 Overview: research background探讨背景
由于涉及大量的学习的话学习第二语言的教师和探讨人员都表现出了浓厚的兴趣,英语毕业论文,找出如何最好的话,可以了解到Since learning a second language involves the learning of large numbers of words,teachers and researchers have shown a keen interest in finding out how words can be bestlearned (Krashen, 1989; Hulstijn, 1996; Laufer, 2017; Mondria, 2017). Numerous studieshave been conducted to compare the effects of different kinds of tasks on vocabularyacquisition (Watanabe, 1997; Nagata, 1999; Laufer, 2017; Mondria, 2017; Rott, 2017;Makoto,2017). However, in the past few decades, researchers focusing on ESL learners’vocabulary development as well as L2 learners have placed more weight on the acquisition ofindividual lexical items but devoted scant attention to the knowledge of collocation, partlybecause collocations, most of which are made up of well-known words, usually do not poseserious problems to language learners in reading comprehension (Grant & Bauer, 2017).Although collocational knowledge has long been neglected, its importance in L2competence is beyond dispute. Research in corpus linguistics over the last few decades hasprovided ample evidence that there exist an incredibly large number of conventional multi-word combinations in English (Sinclair, 1991; Stubbs, 2017). A good command ofcollocational knowledge enables L2 learners to speak more fluently, and makes their speechmore acceptable and native-like (Pawly & Syder, 1983). Nevertheless, among the smallnumber of studies on the performance in English collocations, the majority have demonstratedthat collocation is highly problematic for L2 learners and it accounts for a high proportion oflearner errors in L2 writing (Granger, 1998; Nesselhauf, 2017). Stated in another way,although L2 learners may find it not so difficult in acquiring the receptive knowledge ofcollocation, their productive knowledge of collocation is supposed to lag far behind theirvocabulary competence. In the past decade, with the growing awareness of the significance ofcolloational knowledge, many researchers have suggested that great attention be paid tocollocation in language teaching and learning (Bogaards, 2017; Aitchison 2017; Nesselhauf2017; Walter & Woodford, 2017; Shokouhi & Gholam, 2017; Webb & Kagimoto, 2017).Among the limited number of studies on collocat,英语论文
