
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
The history of employing corpus in the study of translation is not very long.Twenty years ago, Vander Auwera (1985) used the English versions of fiveDutch-language novels as the corpus, discussed the simplification, explicitation andnormalization in the translated language, which was the early form of the study oftranslation universals. Gellerstam (1986) compared the texts of the translated versionsof Swedish language work and the non-translated texts of the work, discussed thelanguage features of “translationess” from the interlingua comparative perspective.Those studies put aside the traditional theory of equivalence in translationstudies, and began to pay attention to the language changes brought from theinteraction in the process of transferring the source languages into the targetlanguages, and the internal and external factors involved contribute to those changes,then usher in the new perspective of translation study. At the same time, this methodwas employed in the study oflanguage comparison.Since 1980s,英语论文范文,with the development of computer technology, different kinds ofstudies based on corpus have got a rapid development. Corpora has been widely usedin contrastive linguistics, lexicography, second language acquisition, computational linguistics, forensic linguistics, literary studies, critical linguistics and otherdisciplines, and caused the significant changes in their studying methods andtheoretical frameworks.The establishment and study of corpus broaden the horizon of descriptive linguistic and applied linguistics in the fields of translation study, the study based oncorpus provides new method and train of thought for cognitive learning, studying andteaching translation. It is obvious that to employ corpus in the translation study is aneffective way in the translation study in the new era.

1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Study
On the basis of the corpus of the Chinese and English texts of the Hong KongEducation laws, this research attempts to study the different types of VO collocationsin both Chinese and English legal texts, and then to conduct a comparative analysis ofthem to figure out their similarities and differences, which will finally help thetranslation of the VO collocations in both Chinese and English legal texts, and alsomake sense in the learning of legal translation. While this study is a corpus-basedstudy of the VO collocations in the English texts of the Hong Kong Education Laws,and it will be conducted in the four aspects which will be demonstrated in the thesis.And despite all these, such kinds of findings are expected: (1) Characteristics of VOCollocations in Hong Kong education law. (2) Similarities and differences in thetranslation of VO Collocations in Hong Kong education law. (3) Suggestions to thetranslation of VO Collocations in Hong Kong education law. But there are still someconcerns: (1) Different classifications of VO Collocations in Chinese and Englishversions respectively. (2) The comparative analysis of the VO Collocations,theirsimilarities and differences.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Studies of Collocation
It is widely accepted that one of the significant part to acquire native-likecompetence in SLA is the lea,英语论文题目
