
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

Chapter one: Introduction

1.1 Research background
There are certain common problems in the teaching of English in vocational institutesand prior stages. Examination-oriented Education penetrates every stage of English learningin China. English learning in junior high schools, senior high schools, vocational schools aremostly assessed by written tests, where oral English tests are scarce. Vocational institutesalso overly emphasize the passing rate in written test in the evaluation of English teaching,which leads to the problem that teachers focus more on students' testing skills in writtenform, neglecting training of students' oral communication skills. At the same time, studentsare also engaged in practicing problem-solving skills,like reading and writing tests, ignoringthe practical oral English skills. Over time,英语毕业论文英语论文范文,a considerable part of graduates in vocationalinstitutes do not have English practical application ability,and some are not even able to getrid of the plight of the "dumb English".Since the 1990s the state has been vigorously developing vocational and technicaleducation. The Department of Higher Education in Ministry of Education announcedRequirements of Vocational College English Teaching《高职高专英语课程教学要求》)in2017,clearly delineating that the aim of vocational college English teaching is to cultivatethe students' practical ability of using language. The Requirements call for vocationalinstitutes English teaching to be practical and pertinent with the jobs. Vocational institutest紅get at teaching students job-oriented knowledge, so teacher shall put more emphasis onstudents' oral English skills.

1.2 Theoretical basis of interactive teaching approach
Interaction Teaching refers to series of English teaching models used betweenteacher-students, student-student, and multi-media to finish various learning taskscooperatively. Interactive teaching approach is a linguistic collaborative activity involvingthe establishment of a triangular relationship among the sender, the receiver and the contextof situation (Wells, 1981). Interactive teaching approach finds its theoretical basis inConstructivism theory, Second Language Acquisition theory (particularly interactionhypothesis), and Social Interaction Hypothesis.Constructivism tiieory in psychology field explores how people might acquireknowledge and leam and its study is directly related to education theories. Constructivismtheory believes that knowledge is constructed in the human being when information comesinto contact with existing knowledge that had been developed by experiences. Knowledgeshould be the result of the interaction between individuals and environment. The instructorand the learners are equally involved in learning from each other as well (Holt &Willard-Holt, 2017). Learners with different skills and backgrounds should collaborate intasks and discussicms to arrive at a shared understanding of the truth in a specific field(Duffy & Jonassen, 1992). According to the constructivism theory, the student is not apassive assimilator or receptor,but an active cognitive subject and constructor.Krashen (1985) set out his second language acquisition theory, which composes of fivehypotheses, in which input hypothesis is the most often quoted one. According to inputhypothesis, the learners make and improve second language acquisition when
