
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

1. Introduction

Child language teaching has. in recent years, aroused an increasing amount ofresearch interests, and not without reason. The current situation that English learnersin China and even overseas Chinese students in English-speaking countries spendthousands of hours on learning English but produce very little effect is depressing.Consequently, the focus of research has shifted to the study on child languageacquisition, the most natural and efficienl way of acquiring language.In China, most private schools, including national schools and small-scaleschools, were just established in the past decades, so empirical studies on childEnglish teaching in China are rarely found, lei along quantitative studies in this field.From the global perspective, studies on child second language acquisition arecomprehensive, but most of them were conducted in foreign countries and were notapplicable to Chinese circumstances, considering our available teaching resources andteachers' competence. The writer, who has been taught English in a private school forseveral years and has read many writings of English leaching pioneers in China, istotally amazed by the teaching achievements of these schools. The writer ploughedthrough several typical books of Second Language Acquisition, trying to find theunderlying reasons for such encouraging achievements, and finally found out thaimost of their leaching practice corresponded to the established principles of SLA. Inorder to fill Ihe disquisitive vacancy in English teaching for Chinese children, thisarticle was brought into being.
Based on Krashen's authenticated theories, especially his Comprehensible InputHypothesis, this paper explores the problem of how to establish English ways ofthinking so as to considerably improve children's English communicative abilities.Teaching cases of Today School is supplemented as examples. Its ideas are elaboratedfrom three perspectives: teaching hardware, teaching software and leaching methods.The purpose of this research is to refine the favorable conditions in SecondLanguage Acquisition theories and to propose modified teaching methods fordifferent periods by Reference to comprehensible input theories and to the teachingpractice in Chinese private schools. This kind of refinement aims at addressing certain principles and their corresponding applications rather than providingunvariable English teaching system. Knowing how language is acquired will helpensure thai this will occur. It is also important to lell students something about thephilosophy underlying our practice because the approach outlined here is radicallydifferent from traditional approaches; teachers need to justify our pedagogy tostudents and in some cases to their parents. Some English masters spend decades on“learning” English while the general public fail in using English. Requiring everyoneto be as painstaking as possible is not reasonable. By teaching with both useful andpractical methods, teachers can greatly increase the students' learning efficiency.

2. Child Second Language Acquisition

2.1. Children's Advantages in Second Language Acquisition
From the phonological perspective, late language learners speak more or lessw ith an accent. The children, on the comrary, boast of their quite good pronunciationand excellent intonation providing that they are immersed in the target language.Chinese are extremel,英语论文题目英语论文范文
