Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
China has witnessed the speedy development of the higher vocational Educationfor the last two decades. Armed with the government’s support, vocational collegesendeavor to dispatch and train professional and technical personnel for our society.With the deepening and strengthening of international communication andcooperation, talents from all walks of life are required to be equipped with not onlythe professional knowledge and skills but also communicative abilities in English.This situation posts certain challenges to students in vocational colleges who aregenerally believed to be poor in English.Initiated in 2017 and completed in 2017, the project of “English CurriculumRequirements for Higher Vocational and Technical Education” (Ministry ofEducation, P.R.C.) concludes that the goal of English teaching for vocational college students is “to develop students’ practical English ability, gradually enhancing thecapability of communicating in English; to help them master effective learningstrategies, and foster their interest as well as learner autonomy; to improve theircomprehensive cultural accomplishment and raise the awareness of inter-culturalcommunication, laying the essential foundation for boosting competitiveness inemployment and their sustainable development.” (2017)This statement of teachinggoal explicitly illustrates the importance of learner autonomy and communicativecapability in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching in modern vocationaleducation. Not only can learner autonomy help students improve their learning incollege, but it is also crucial to their life-long development.
1.2 Statement of Purpose
An effective teacher should help students realize their learning styles, merits anddemerits in learning, find the proper learning strategies, motivate and encourage themto improve their learning according to their own situation and to shoulder theresponsibility for their own learning which includes self-recognition, autonomousattitudes and learning how to learn, etc.. By way of studying the role TBLT plays invocational college students’ development of autonomy, this research draws on theinsights from research into learner autonomy, task-based language teaching approachand teachers’role etc. and seeks to analyze them from a multidimensional perspective.Therefore, the present research deals with the vocational college students’development of autonomy in a task-based class in China and its main purpose is toprobe into the very question that how TBLT approach, in comparison with traditionalPPP approach, develops or promotes learner autonomy of vocational college studentsas well as their language proficiency, and to draw certain conclusions beneficial to thepractice of task-based approach in vocational colleges.
Chapter 2 literature review
2.1. Introduction
As the purpose of the study is to find out whether and how the learner autonomyand their English proficiency can be developed in vocational college students throughthe task-based language teaching approach, this chapter will start by a brief review oflearner autonomy by introducing its definitions and theoretical basis. The author ofthe present thesis will then outline the factors that affect learner autonomy. Also, themeasurement of learner autonomy will be presented. It will be followed by a revi,英语论文范文,英语毕业论文