
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
In recent years, with the fast development of the higher education in China, moreand more people have the opportunity to study in college. College English course isconsidered as one of the largest basic courses in China. Because of its popularization andparticularity, it plays an important role in the whole teaching system. Although the policyof expansion could make as many students as possible to receive higher education, it alsocauses some problems: for example, the students’ whole quality declines and students’individual differences have become increasingly evident, etc. Under these conditions,College English Teaching confronts some new challenges.In order to solve these problems, educational department issued a new teachingmode: College English Grade Teaching. This mode begins to take into account ofstudents’ individual differences and their different levels of cognitive development. Itadvocates that according to students’ learning achievement, grade them in three levels andteach them respectively. Because this mode pays more attention on students’ leveldifferences, in some extent, it could solve the learning contradiction: some students thinkthe learning task is too heavy, while others think it is too easy for them. At present,College English Grade Teaching has already been popularized and generally accepted inthe whole country. Its effect gradually has been acknowledged by the people.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
In both domestic and international environment, with the development of economy,English plays an important role in the people’s communication. Therefore, people becomemore and more concerned on the quality of English teaching. On the one hand, it reflectsthe needs of the social development; on the other hand, it brings a lot of pressure to theEnglish teaching. Nowadays, under the environment of quality education, the primarygoal of English Teaching is to provide a tool of communication and access to informationand knowledge for students in the future.In order to solve the existing problems and improve the effect of College EnglishTeaching, high schools generally adopt the Grade Teaching. Under these conditions, theauthor hopes that this thesis, through the investigation of students’ self-efficacy status andthe implement of Grade Teaching, could be able to put forward some valuable suggestionsand measures to stimulate students’ sense of self-efficacy under this teaching mode. Itwould be not only helpful to promote students’ English learning achievement, but alsomore significant to perfect College English Teaching.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Self-efficacy
2.1.1 Definition of self-efficacy
The concept of self-efficacy is firstly proposed by the American psychologist AlbertBandura in 1977, Bandura has defined self-efficacy as our belief in our ability to succeedin specific situations. Your sense of self-efficacy can play a major role in how youapproach goals, tasks, and challenges. According to Albert Bandura (1994), self-efficacyis “the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required tomanage prospective situations.” This is the key part of his social cognitive theory,英语毕业论文英语毕业论文,and animportant part of the system of Bandura’s social learning theory. The theory ofself-efficacy
