
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

在外语教学实践中,教师要把教材看作是信息的载体,把凝固的文字转化为声情并茂的语言实践活动,注意活化教材内容,对教材中课文本身的情境进行挖掘、发挥,创设情境,提高教学效果。如在讲解 be remembered as 和 be remembered for 时,笔者设计以下情景:T: Madame curie discovered the element radium.S: Madame curie will always be remembered asthe discoverer of the element radium.S: Madame curie will always be remembered fordiscovering the element radium.T: Will Albert Einstein always be remembered byall the people in the world?S: Yes .T: What for?S: For his Theory of Relativity.通 过 师 生 问 答 , 学 生 很 容 易 理 解 了 beremembered as/for 的用法,同时巩固了课文的内容。


这一类情景的设计主要是把语言点通过故事形式讲述出来,或以简笔画的形式在幻灯片上把故事的情节画出来,造成一定的故事气氛,以吸引学生的注意力。例如:在讲解 teach sb a lesson(给某人以教训)时,为了不使学生错误地理解为“给某人上课”,笔者事先设计了三幅图:a.飞速骑车;b.撞倒一位老年妇女;c.送她去医院。然后根据这几幅图讲述故事:Xiao Ming lives far from the school. So he goesto school by bike every day. He used to drive fast. Oneday, he got up late. Afraid of being late for school, hedrove very fast. Suddenly he knocked down an oldwoman, and she had her leg broken. So he had to takeher to a hospital. It cost him a lot of money. Thistaught him a lesson.借助这个故事情景,不用进一步讲解,学生已理解了“This taught him a lesson.”的意思了。总之,在英语教学中,教师要不断地寻找、挖掘和创造语境素
