比较探讨结果表明,英语四级课程标准反映了当代英语教育的发展趋势,例如,他们提出了一个综合性的课程标准,设计了范围广泛的课程结构,高度重视语言技能的培养,英语论文网站,提供了一个丰富的语言材料,覆盖主要的语言学> j的知识和技能,以及建立一个多评价体系。
Chapter One Introduction引言
1.1 Research Background and Question探讨背景和问题
随着全球经济的发展,巨大的变化已经在世界教育。教育的改革和发展一直被认为是在日益激烈的国际竞争中取胜的重要战略Along with the development of global economy, great changes have been takingplace in Education of the world. Educational reform and development has beenconsidered as an important strategy for winning in increasingly fierce internationalcompetition. Educational development entails constant educational reform, which hascurriculum reform as its core.With China's increasing integration into the global economy, proficiency inEnglish has been widely regarded as a national as well as a personal asset, andEnglish language education has been a subject of paramount importance in China.Ever since the 1990s, efforts to raise the quality of English language teaching throughsyllabus improvement have been paralleling the curricular reform movements. Tomeet the growing demand of the contemporary social and economic development andin response to the endorsement of the "standards" movement having dominatededucational discussions since the 1990s, CECS came out in September 2017 and it hasbeen in use since then. The design and implementations of the new CECS is part ofthe overall reform of English education for K-12 students, whose central task is todesign new standards for all school subjects, a concept that was expected to replacethe traditional syllabus. For a long time before the 1990s, under the guidance of thetraditional syllabus, learning English meant mastering knowledge about English,particularly with regard to pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Practical skills,such as listening, speaking, reading and writing, were virtually ignored. Consequently,this traditional pattern of teaching and learning English was widely criticized as amethodology that produced only test-takers rather than competent English users. Thusthe main aim of the new English curriculum is to shift from overemphasizing themode of teaching and learning with a focus on grammar and vocabulary to amethodology that facilitates the development of students' overall ability in languageuse (MOE, 2017,2017).Being a metropolitan city and one of the most developed areas in China,Shanghai is a window open to the world. In order to meet the new round of challenges,Shanghai is trying to explore new curriculum reform, striving to be in the forefront ofnational curriculum reform. Shanghai attaches importance to and is strengthening itsEnglish education, which is generally considered to be higher than that in many otherareas in China. As a result of the second round of curriculum reform started in 1998,SECS was formulated in 2017, which is designed in a way different from that ofCECS. It stipulates educational theories, learning requirements, educational objectivesto develop students' communicative competency, and suggestions for its applicationfor English education.Under the background of curriculum reform in the world,in order to enhanceeducational quality and adapt the curriculum for the demands of social development,many programmatic documents and curriculum standards centered on Englisheducation for PreK-12 students have come out. As a result, the comparative studybetween curriculum standards of different countries or regions has been more andmore va,英语论文题目 |