1 Introduction引言
1.1 Background and purpose of the study探讨背景和目的
多年来,等同于语言教学语法教学。有人认为,语言是主要的语法规则组成的,知道他们为学习者掌握的语言就足够了。随着在20世纪70年代兴起的交际语言教学,语法教学被认为是不可取的For many years, language teaching was equated with grammar instruction. It wasbelieved that language was mainly composed of grammatical rules and knowing themwould be sufficient for learners to acquire the language. With the rise of communicativelanguage teaching in the 1970s, grammar instruction was considered undesirable.Teachers were encouraged to believe that grammar instruction was old-fashioned,uninteresting, and thus should be avoided. Researchers claimed that grammar teachinghad no impact on learners’ grammatical development and never promoted learners’communicative competence; hence it should be excluded from L2 (second language)classrooms. Some even went so far as to claim that grammar instruction was not onlyunhelpful but also detrimental. Recent research in SLA (second language acquisition)has led to a reconsideration of the importance of grammar instruction. Many researchersnow believe that grammar teaching should not be neglected in L2 classrooms. Languageteachers have also become increasingly aware that grammar instruction plays animportant role in language teaching and learning.However, there are still many problems about how to teach grammar effectivelyand particularly, about how to effectively integrate a focus on grammatical forms and afocus on meaningful communication in L2 classrooms. Here are some key questions inthe perspective of L2 teachers: 1) How can grammar be brought back to L2 classroomswithout returning to the traditional models? 2) How can a focus on grammar beincorporated with a focus on communication? 3) What are the different ways ofintegrating grammar instruction into communicative interaction? 4) How can thefocus on grammar be maximized without sacrificing the focus on communication andmeaning?Therefore, this study attempts to examine the questions stated above byintroducing TBLT (task-based language teaching), which can integrate a focus on formsinto communicative learning activities effectively. This paper is supposed to bring more“thinking” to effective grammar teaching in China.
1.2 Organization of the thesis论文结构
The thesis consists of five chapters:Chapter One introduces the background and purpose of the study.Chapter Two is the literature review, which covers the following aspects: 1)definitions of some key terms, 2) the background and development of TBLT, 3) thetheoretical justification for TBLT.Chapter Three attempts to examine the following questions: 1) How can grammarbe brought back to L2 classrooms without returning to the traditional models? 2) Howcan a focus on grammar be incorporated with a focus on communication? 3) What arethe different ways of integrating grammar instruction into communicative interaction?4) How can the focus on grammar be maximized without sacrificing the focus oncommunication and meaning?Chapter Four is the methodology of TBLT, which examines how a focus on formscan be integrated into communicative tasks in a TBLT lesson.Chapter Five is the conclusion of the thesis, which summarizes the advantages ofTBLT and points out the constraints of this paper and the areas for further