Chapter 1 Introduction引言
This chapter gives an overlook of the discourse teaching. In this chapter, the exactlydefinition of discourse and discourse-based language teaching are presented. And then theanalysis of the current discourse teaching situation and the issues of discourse teaching areused to demonstrate the necessity of applying a new perspective of discourse teaching.The proposal of using image schema theory in cognitive linguistics to direct Englishdiscourse teaching provides a new perspective to discourse teaching. The objectives of thispaper then come out and the whole organization of this thesis is arranged in the last of thischapter.
1.1 The definition of discourse and discourse-based languageteaching语篇结构和语篇为基础的语言教学的定义
The definition of discourseDiscourse is a heat debated topic in linguistics and language science. Differentscholars have different explanations for the term “discourse”. The Longman Dictionary ofApplied Linguistics (Richards & Jack et al. 1985) gives a definition that discourse is “ageneral term for examples of language use, i.e. language which has been produced as theresult of an act of communication”. Huang (1988) claimed that discourse is a series ofconstant utterances or sentences in use. And linguists Cook (1994) stated that discourse is“a stretch of language in use, taking on meaning in context for its users, a discourse is acoherent stretch of language”. Discourse refers to a continuous piece of spoken andwritten language. So in this paper, the term “discourse” is used to refer to the languageexpressions used in context of situation. It may either spoken or written.The discourse-based language teachingLanguage teaching is an unfailing subject for scholars and linguists to make theirstudies. According to their study, language is not just the combination of words, sentencesand grammar which have been the traditional concern of much language teaching.Language patterns extend beyond these. “Language is a discourse; this is adiscourse-based view of language” (McCarthy & Carter, 2017). So language teachingshould not just stay on these primary levels, language teaching should teach language as awhole discourse. a language teacher, for effective teaching, language teaching is notjust to teach how language works but to teach how to work with language. So languageteaching should base on the discourse. This teaching philosophy is the main researchtheme of this paper.
1.2 The current situation of English Discourse Teaching英语语篇教学中的目前形势
Discourse teaching plays a crucial role in the language teaching. Discourse teachingbases on the analysis, comprehension and generation of the whole discourse. The way ofdiscourse teaching has attracted scholars’ attention since it comes out. And this approachof language teaching replaced the traditional perspective of language teaching rapidly.Discourse teaching was considered as the efficient way to cultivate the learners’ languagecompetence.Discourse is distinct from the text as it is considered in our traditional view.Discourse is defined as “a stretch of language in use, taking on meanings in context for itsusers, a discourse is a coherent stretch of language.” (Cook, 1994) And he defines text as“the linguistic form in a stretch of language, its ,英语论文网站 |