摘 要 评价理论探讨语篇态度着重于词汇,既注重显性评价,也注重隐性评价。应用评价理论来探讨商 务语篇态度及其体现方式,我们发现,商务语篇尤其是商务信函在语篇态度上本论文由英语论文网/明显具有礼貌、体谅等特点, 在体现方式上,既有显性体现,也有隐性体现。本文尝试应用评价理论作为略论探讨的工具,对商务语篇 主观情态的这种表达体现方式及翻译措施进行研讨。 关键词 评价理论 商务语篇 显性态度 隐性态度 翻译 Abstract App raisal Theory studies textual attitudes, highlighting vocabulary and attaching importance to both o2 vert and covert app raisal1 App lying App raisal Theory in the analysis of textual attitudes and their p resentation of business texts, we find that such texts are characterized by courtesy and consideration and that there are both overt and covert p resentations of textual attitudes1 KeyWords App raisal Theory business text over attitude covert attitude translation
1 引 言 2 评价理论和商务语篇翻译 3 商务语篇态度的体现方式与翻译 3.1 使用相对应的表态词汇,再现语篇显性态度 3.2 挖掘词汇概念意义隐含的态度意义,再现语篇隐性态度 4 结 语 5 参考文献 1Martin, J.R.& Rose, D1W orking w ith D iscourse: M eaning be2yond the Clause.London & New York: Continuum, 2017 2张新红, 李明.商务英语翻译.北京: 高等教育出版社,2017, 147 3廖瑛,莫再树.国际商务英语语言与翻译探讨英语论文网北京:机械工业出版社, 2017, 111 4张先刚.评价理论对语篇翻译的启示.外语教学, 2017,(6) : 33—36 ,英语论文,英语论文范文 |